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Fiscal policy Кодекс 2023-02-10 No. 3 TAX CODE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC
Fiscal policy Law of KR 2023-02-10 No. 52 LAW OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC
Technical regulation and metrology Law of KR 118 The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On enabling uniformity of measurements
Technical regulation and metrology Decree 8 The resolution of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic On the procedure for importation of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity for circulation in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, and on recognition of the results of mandatory confirmation of conformity of products obtained outside the Kyrgyz Republic
Fiscal policy Law of KR 173 The law of the Kyrgyz Republic On customs tariff of the Kyrgyz Republic
Trade Provision 257 The regulations on the procedure for export control of products subject to control in the Kyrgyz Republic
Technical regulation and metrology Decree 639 The resolution of government of the Kyrgyz Republic On mandatory confirmation of product conformity
Technical regulation and metrology Decree 260 On authorized state bodies for implementation of state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union
Trade Law of KR 41 The law of the Kyrgyz Republic on l state regulation of foreign trade activities in the Kyrgyz Republic
Trade Decree 142 On approval of the List of expert organizations and licensors on licensing export and import of specific goods included in the Unified List of Goods, to which non-tariff regulation measures are applied in trade with third countries, and on introducing additions and amendments to some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Trade Law of KR 30 The law of the Kyrgyz Republic on export control
Antitrust policy Law of KR 116 The law of the Kyrgyz Republic On competition
Antitrust policy Law of KR 149 The law of the Kyrgyz Republic On natural monopolies in the Kyrgyz Republic
Antitrust policy Law of KR 90 On protection of consumer rights
Investments Law of KR 66 Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Investments"
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