State bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic http://mtd.gov.kg/
- Agency of automobile, water transport and weight and dimensional control http://aat.gov.kg/
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic https://mfa.gov.kg/en
- Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development of the Kyrgyz Republic http://agro.gov.kg/
- Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic http://med.kg/
- Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic http://gkpen.kg/
- State Customs Service of the Kyrgyz Republic http://www.customs.gov.kg/
- State Agency for the Promotion and Protection of Investments of the Kyrgyz Republic https://export.gov.kg/
- State Enterprise “Single Window Centre for Foreign Trade” http://swis.trade.kg/
- Centre for Standardization and Metrology http://www.nism.gov.kg/
- State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic http://ict.gov.kg/
- Trade portal of the Kyrgyz Republic https://kyrgyzstan.tradeportal.org/
Business Associations of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic http://cci.kg/
- National Alliance of Business Associations http://www.bizexpert.kg/naba/
- Association of Suppliers of the Kyrgyz Republic http://www.supply.kg/
- Association of Customs Brokers of the Kyrgyz Republic http://www.brokers.kg/
- Association for Agro-Industrial Development of the Kyrgyz Republic https://agroprom.kg/
- Association of International Road Carriers of the Kyrgyz Republic http://airto-kr.com/
- Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic https://legprom.kg/
- Association of Young Entrepreneurs https://jia.kg/
- International Business Council http://www.ibc.kg/
NTFCs in Central Asia
- National Trade Council of Kazakhstan https://www.gov.kz/
- Trade portal of Tajikistan https://tajtrade.tj
International Organizations
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe https://unece.org/
- International Trade Centre https://www.intracen.org/
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development https://unctad.org/
Tools and resources:
- WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility https://www.tfafacility.org/
- Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide (TFIG): a tool for simplifying cross-border trade http://tfig.unece.org/
- Trade Facilitation Agreement Database www.tfadatabase.org
- UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation https://untfsurvey.org